Fall Gardening: Essential Tips for a Beautiful Autumn Landscape

As the air turns crisp and the leaves begin to fall, you might feel the need to put any gardening or landscaping ideas on hold until next spring. However, there are plenty of things to do that will allow you to create stunning autumn and winter landscapes. Here are our tips and tricks!

1. Plant Autumn Flowers

When it comes to gardening in the autumn and winter, there are plenty of beautiful flowers that thrive even in the colder months. Choose late flowering perennials to add a pop of colour. Some popular choices include asters, sedums, dahlias and violas.

You will need soil that is well drained and fertilised, and that any bulbs are planted deep and spaced wide apart. Make sure your plants receive enough water if rainfall is sparse and use mulch to both retain moisture and suppress weeds.

2. Prepare for Winter

There are a number of ways to keep your plants well-maintained through the colder months. Roses and fruit trees will need to be pruned to remove any dead or damaged growth.

Planting some perennials will encourage helpful bugs and other friendly insects to thrive in your garden in the winter months. Check that your bird feeders have enough water available.

If not, you may be able to melt some ice from nearby water sources. Also, make sure to drain and isolate outside taps to avoid burst pipes. Finally, move more fragile plants to a sheltered area and keep them covered with fleece or straw.

3. Harvest and Preserve Plants

Autumn is the perfect time to harvest the last of your summer fruits and vegetables so that you can make way for herbs and vegetables suitable for the colder months. Consider preserving your summer harvest in jars or bottles for future use, or even have an end of summer party to use up any excess produce.

Don’t worry if they aren’t ripe when you pick them as many fruits and vegetables will continue to ripen even after being picked. You can also keep any seeds produced by your plants to be reused next year.

4. Decorate with Autumn Décor

There are a number of ways you can incorporate autumn décor into your backyard area. Try adding furniture and cushions that reflect autumn colours such as red, brown and orange. In addition, consider a fire pit for extra cosiness on those chilly nights.

Perhaps organise some outdoor dining with dark-toned candlesticks and neutral coloured table fabrics. With Halloween just around the corner, why not have some fun decorations such as carved pumpkins and textured wreaths to add some atmosphere?

Elmers Hardware

For more autumn landscape inspiration and for DIY tools to make it happen take a look at the range of products in our online store today.

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