
Pack contains 2 refillable bait stations and 25g Nippon Ant Killer Liquid
Lay bait stations on ant trails or close to ant activity
Eliminates ants and their nests without trace

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The Nippon Ant Control System is a clean, simple and convenient method of dealing with ant infestations in and around the home.

The system contains two refillable ant traps together with a supply of Nippon Ant Killer Liquid. Simply pierce four holes in the sides of each trap, place a few drops of the liquid in the centre of the traps and replace the lids.

The traps should be located as close to the ant nest or run as possible. Do not disturb feeding ants as it is essential that they take the bait back to the nest.

The system should be used at the first sign of ant activity – normally in early spring.

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